Megan Caldwell
Definitely a mermaid | Bestseling DMsGuild Author | Writer
Profile picture and banner by ziruka
Call me Meg! I'm a writer and freelance TTRPG designer. I've self published on DMsGuild, done work for The Gauntlet, Hatchling Games, and PlusOneExp. Check out what I've done so far!

Lead Author and Solo Works
Contributing Author
Commissions (CLOSED)
I do private writing commissions if you want some poetry or prose for your own personal use. Want your bard to have a poem or a bit of fiction about your characters? Let me know and I can whip something together!Contact me for my commercial rates.Rules1. I reserve the right to refuse anything I am not comfortable writing.2. For anything equal to or under $30 (US dollars), payment is accepted in advance. For anything above $30, half payment up front and half upon completion.3. Regardless of what I write, these works are still owned by me. Passing off my work as your own will result in a ban from any future commissions.4. The more information you’re able to provide me about characters and scenes, the easier and faster these pieces will be completed.5. These pieces are for private, non-commercial use only. Please contact me privately if you want to either collaborate on a project or get writing for a commercial project.6. I refuse to work with NFT related projects. Period. End of statement.7. Original characters only, please. Fanworks can't generate income or else people get sued. Like me. I'm the people that get sued.
Will Not Write Under ANY CircumstancesNFSW contentSexual violenceIncest/PedophilliaAnything promoting hateShipping of real people
Poetry and Prose
Short Poems -$10
Approximately 100-200 words worth of poetry.Examples: 1, 2Short Moment -$25
Approximately 500-700 words of prose/one page of writing.Examples: 1, 2, 3Short Story -$50
Approximately 1000-1200 words of prose/two-three pages of writing.Examples: 1, 2, 3Slightly Longer Short Story -$100
Approximately 2000-2500 words of prose/4+ pages of writing. Meant to be an in depth analysis of a character, their motivations, and important events in their past.Examples: 1, 2Longer Works: $0.05 per word above 2500
If you want a piece of writing that is longer than 2500 words, I will be charging $0.03 per word above 2500 words (ex, for a piece that is 4000 words long, it would be $60+($0.03*1500 additional words) = $60+$45 = $105Dignity Fee: +$15
This fee covers anything that I would feel comfortable writing but may be outside of my normal writing capabilities. This can include things such as writing in a specific style, excessive violence, or covering topics I'm not familiar with.Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4
Tabletop Character Creation
People have expressed interest in my character creation process before, so I offering the option to flesh out tabletop roleplaying game characters (DnD, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, etc). This can be done for both player characters and NPCs.I’m also up to doing this for OCs as well! Just know that the options are meant to be primarily for tabletop roleplaying games.Anything I reference can be found in this document.Personality Traits: -$20
Fleshing out a character’s personality traits, flaws, fears, and personality quirks. Generally meant to be building up what is already there for a character and wordsmithing the results.Character Relationships: -$5 per dynamic
A short background and synopsis of how two characters know each other and how they interact. Whether they are friends, lovers, mentor and student, or bitter enemies, how a character knows and interacts with others can be an important character aspect. Typically meant for interactions with background characters.This option can also be used for relationships with an item, a place, or a certain oath or cause.Background: -$50
A fleshed out, fully wordsmithed, fancy typed up thing about your character’s (probably tragic) backstory. This is meant to be fairly in depth and incorporating important events, moments, and key details that both shape their past and their present. This will be a bit open ended, and certain details will be intentionally omitted or added in for a DM to heavily exploit use in game.Full Character Package: -$75
Includes personality traits, two character relationships, and a fully fleshed out backstory. Maybe even descriptions of physical traits. Idk go wild.Built From The Ground Up Fee: +$15
These options are intended to flesh out characters that already exist. If you’d rather I craft something of a character from scratch (their personality, their background, or characters from their stories), this fee covers that.
If you're interested in working with me, let me know!